Take a break. Customize your favorite browser (Google chrome). Add some colors and a nice background. Yes, Make it your own. The new official Google chrome theme creator app My Chrome Theme by Google Chrome team is a great option to change the look of the browser. Customize it as you wish. Follow these simple steps i.e. Upload an Image, Adjust it’s Position, choose colors and save the theme. Create Your theme. Share it’s unique URL among friends via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.
How to Create Your Own Google Chrome Theme:
- Open www.mychrometheme.com using Google chrome browser.
- Click on “Add to Chrome” button located on top right corner. You need to sign in using your Google account to install this app.
- Click the “Add” button on confirmation dialogue box. The app will be installed and you can view it inside the Apps section after the installation.
- Click on the My Chrome Theme icon. This will take you to the step by step installation wizard, so you can create your own customized theme.

- The first step is to upload an image. Yes, this will be the main background image. So choose any of your favorite image, that you wish to display as the theme background. You can also use the webcam and take a picture and use that. So use the best option.
- After the upload completes it will show you the background image. There are two modes (Design Mode & Preview Mode) available. If you wish to know, how this will look in real, you can switch between modes and the preview mode is meant for this.
- The uploaded or captured image can be adjusted for perfect positioning. If the image not looks perfect and you wish to restart the process, click on the button “import new image”. Else start adjusting the position.
- Click on “Adjust Position” button. and this will open a tool box. You can make the image Fit to the screen, Fill the whole screen, Tile the image etc. by using this adjust position tool.

- After you are satisfied with the placement of the image, you should continue to the next step. So click on “Continue to Step 2” button on the top right corner.
- Step 2 has the option to add and change color to the theme. You can customize the color of three section : Active Tab and Toolbar color, Background Tab color and the main frame color. If you are getting confused with colors, Just click on “I’m Feeling Lucky ” and this will add suitable colors to the theme.

- Step 3 : The final step asks you to give a perfect name to the theme. You can also add descriptions (optional) to the theme. And click on the “Make my theme!” button. This will take few seconds to create the new theme and the next page will show you the installation button along with the unique URL to your newly created theme.
- Install the theme and share it via email, Social networks etc. among your friends. You can make as many theme as you can. This is a Free service by Google Chrome Team.